This is a new Colt upper receiver group, complete with hardware. The Commando URG is optimized for Law Enforcement SWAT teams and is suitable for civilian short barreled rifle and legal pistol builds. Charlie's recommends the use of a military grade forged lower receiver to mate correctly with this URG.
Charlie's receives these both as a factory component and also as a take-off from a factory new Colt LE6933 or CR6933 full rifles. The 11.5" Commando upper features a military grade Government profile Colt barrel, phosphates CMV 4150 steel with a chrome lined bore, chambered in 5.56 NATO with a 1:7 twist and a factory installed A-frame "F height" front sight base and factory installed Colt A2 flash hider, appropriately timed.
The URG comes with a Colt upper receiver, hard coat anodized black with M4 feed ramps, top T-marks are painted white and the interior. In 2021, Colt is using both Brass Aluminum forgings with a "square" forge mark, or Cerro forgings with a "keyhole" forge mark. The forged aluminum upper receivers are made of 7075 aluminum and hard coat anodized, per military spec.
Included is a Colt bolt carrier group (BCG) with Colt marked bolt (MPC). The carriers come stamped or peened with a "C" or no markings. A Colt mil-spec charging handle is included, as is a Colt carbine double insulated oval shaped handguard and a Magpul rear back up sight
Features / Specifications
Note on Front Sight Base markings: The F-height FSB means that the height is optimized for use with the A3/A4 flat-top receiver, which comes standard with the upper receiver group. Note: Colt has mostly stopped stamping an "F" on the FSB, as the "F" was used in the past to differentiate between standard height when used with an integrated A2 rear carry handle receiver and the next generation of A3, A4 and M4 receivers. As fewer A2 carry handle receivers are being used, Colt has stopped stamping the FSB. Your FSB may or may not have an F stamp, but it is considered "F height." Request for actual F marking will not be taken, as most all current production Colt do not have that marking.
Note on Colt upper receiver markings: During late 2020 and into 2021, the Brass Aluminum forged uppers come with CAGE code, but are shipped in very small numbers. The majority of factory Colt upper receivers are Cerro forgings without the CAGE code or the "M4" marking above the gas tube port. There is no difference in the finish or the quality of either receiver. There are some who view the Cerro forging as a better forging, but both forgings are finished by or for Colt to Colt specifications, and Charlies has not seen any difference whatsoever, and our customers will be well served by either. Your order will be filled by whichever comes from Colt at the time of your order. If you have a preference, you can make that know in the comments. We get both in, but your selection may result in a delay of 4 to 10 weeks, depending upon availability.
Note on Colt BCG markings: During 2020 and 2021, Colt carriers have been released which either have or do not have the traditional "C" marking on the carrier. The bolts are marked MPC or MPC-2 as are all Colt bolts. Your order will be filled by what is available at the time of your order. If you have a preference for a "C" marking, let us know. There is no difference in the steel, the quality or the performance of either bolt. Note that requests for "C" carriers may delay your order, and tell us if it is a preference or a requirement. If you state as a requirement, then your order will be placed on backorder if the C marked carrier is not available and held until such carriers arrive. It is our experience that such a wait should not be more than 2 to 6 weeks.