Black Hills Ammunition
SIG SAUER subsonic rounds feature a 220gr Sierra Match King Projectile for superior accuracy and minimal dispersion when suppressed. Consistent bullet weight retention with minimal velocity variations results from optimized shell case metallurgy with premium primers. Rounds are precision loaded using state-of-the-art, electromechanical monitoring for geometric conformity.
The 300 Black Out round is a specialty round, and you want a heavy projectile with massive energy for short range stopping power. The Subsonic speed, coupled with a .30 cal suppressor, gives you unprecedented quiet but deadly force. Perfect for a PDW weapon that you keep by your bed, or in your truck*
The 220 grain ammo from Sig is some of the best on the market. Yes, it is expensive, but unlike 9mm or 5.56mm ammo, most people are not going to shoot 1,000s of rounds of 300BLK. Super accuracy is not the hallmark of 300 BLK. You want stopping power within 75 yards, so most of Charlie's customer are not buying 10 cases of 300 BLK. And, Charlie's is not a big ammo shop. We carry some of the best ammo in the business, and do it as a courtesy to our customers. If you want a pallet load, you can find cheaper ammo, and from sources less expensive that us.
We sell Sig 300 BLK ammo, so that you can add three or four boxes to your cart when you buy that PDW.
*be aware of concealed carry laws, and never keep a loaded firearm where children have access
Ammunition is restricted from sale to CT, IL, MA, NJ, NY, New Orleans, LA, and Washington DC. Ammo shipped to CA must be shipped to a local dealer. Your billing address and shipping address must match. Please make sure you can own this ammo in your locality. We do not agree with ammo restrictive laws, but we also follow the laws unless overturned by a Court of competent jurisdiction.