Rock River Arms
An excellent trigger for any AR15 rifle, this national match two-stage trigger from Rock River Arms comes pre-adjusted by certified RRA gunsmiths as a matched pair. Lighter two-stage triggers are frequently used in long-range AR builds due to increased accuracy and round placement commonly experience with 2-Stage triggers.
Designed in house by Rock River Arms in the early 2000's, the National Match trigger was highly sought after before some other two stage triggers entered the market another 10 years later. What people don't realize today is that RRA has been a solid manufacturer of quality AR components for several decades, and their 2-stage trigger is still a strong competitor today.
NM trigger parts are different from standard triggers and only the hammer and trigger springs are interchangeable. The kit comes with a hammer, trigger, disconnect, and hammer and trigger pins. Installation is easy--if you read and follow the provided instructions. This is the 4-1/2 pull weight, measured through both stagges.
Parts are cast from a proprietary steel, heat-treated, and then phosphate coated. Skilled technicians then assemble the parts in a fixture to set the pull weight. The disconnect spring mostly determines the pull weight, but judicious stoning and honing fine-tunes the trigger and guarantees a smooth, silky pull. Once qualified, the parts are packaged up.