Rearden Manufacturing
Call it simplicity, call it great engineering, call it basic, call it art. Rearden is all those things, but mostly, Rearden brings us great engineered and machined products to connect our suppressors to our barrels.
So, why the RPB? We asked Rearden, as they have the longer modern looking DPB (double port brake) and they have the simple single port brake, and here is what they said: "Our Double Port Brake is very popular with those who shoot both suppressed and unsuppressed, but it is a little long to fit into our Atlas, and our Single Port Brake is used more by shooters who are always shooting suppressed, so we designed the modern looking single port with three prongs, as it is not boring and will look good and shoot well unsuppressed, and it was Robyn's idea, so thus the RPB was born in late 2021." Well, there you have it.
Rearden is designing and building suppressor mounts with the idea or universal in mind. Rearden Manufacturing is bring new options to connect barrels to the universal internal threads, so many suppressor companies are offering in what is being known as "bravo" or "ASR" internal threaded adapters. Rearden's universal hub is the Atlas. The SPB is a small one port brake that connects a 5.56mm barrel with thread pitch for 1/2"-28 barrels and a .280 bore. In other words, works with .223 caliber / 5.56mm barrels, but do not try with 9mm.
The RPB mates with both the Rearden Atlas and the Q Plan B type mounts. This is an updated version that has larger wrench flats on the rear. Always use an alignment rod to ensure that the entire system is set up correctly. Make sure all surfaces are cleaned, and the muzzle device has been torqued and Rocksett to the barrel. Use on a Q can void your warranty, be warned.
Torque the muzzle device to approximately 30 ft lbs. Make sure the muzzle device is square against the shoulder. When setting the silencer on the muzzle device, ensure that the threads and tapers are clean. Torque the suppressor to 10 ft lbs. Ensure alignment. The nitride finish does lead to a tighter seal, with that said, it is extremely important to torque and Rocksett your muzzle device to the barrel properly.
Have fun shooting with our without a suppressor, with Rearden's RPB.