Rearden Manufacturing
Call it simplicity, call it great engineering, call it basic, call it art. Rearden is all those things, but mostly, Rearden brings us great engineered and machined products to connect our suppressors to our barrels.
Rearden is designing and building suppressor mounts with the idea or universal in mind. Rearden Manufacturing is bringing new options to connect barrels to the universal internal threads, so many suppressor companies are offering in what is being known as "bravo" or "ASR" internal threaded adapters. Rearden's universal hub is the Atlas. This is the Atlas. It connects internally into the universal threads of many modern suppressors, and then threads onto the muzzle device or Rearden flash hiders, brakes and Q's Plan B muzzle device.
Rearden started with the Atlas Hub, and added the Atlas XL to give a little extra room for longer brakes and flash hiders, so that the suppressor blast chamber is not so crowded that the muzzle end snuggles too close to the first blast baffle.