

Order Cancellation

Cancelling an order is probably the hardest thing we do.  If we can help you, we will, but please work with us, as our small team is working hard to move forward and build products and ship your purchase to you.

Most cancellations involve a cancellation fee, which helps us offset the extremely high cost for us to handle such a request.  Our standard cancellation fee is 10%.  Higher fees apply to special orders, and additional fees may apply to cancellation of firearms and special situations, outlined here.

When is a Cancellation Request Finalized?

Please recognize that if you request a cancellation, your order is not cancelled until we acknowledge the cancellation.  Many times, it is like trying to catch a bus leaving the bus stop, and our forward momentum has moved to far to stop the order.  

In the event that you try to cancel an order, but we are unable to timely cancel to avoid a shipment to you, you can return the item(s) to us.  Please see the return process and policy for more details.

Other than special orders, you may cancel an order without a fee within the following time frame, whichever occurs first:

  • Within 12 hours of placing an order;
  • For the purchases of firearms, when your local gun dealer's FFL is confirmed by our compliance officer, and that approval email is sent to you.

The above assumes that we are able to cancel the order.  In many cases, we are moving quickly and will have set the gears in motion to start shipping before 12 hours, and we will not be able to cancel your order.

For purposes of the above timeline, this is measured by the time of your order to the time of your request.  However, the actual cancellation is only effective as of the date and time that we confirm your order is cancelled, and your status in your order summary changes to "cancelled."  What this means is if you request a cancellation, and if we act upon quick enough and cancel your order, then for purposes of whether you are assessed a cancellation fee, we will measure that from the time you requested to cancel, even if we cancel much later.  If we are unable to act upon your request, we are not liable for the request, and if it ships, you will be responsible for the costs associated with a return, should you choose to make a return.


In the event that we find that we have oversold, and notify you that your item is back-ordered, there is never a fee for cancelling an order tagged as backordered.  In fact, many times you may wish to keep the backorder, but later change your mind.   You can, and you will not be charged a fee while your order is marked for backorder.  However, when the item is available, and we change the status of your order to "In Process" or similar language, that is your indication that the back ordered item is now in stock, and normal cancellation procedures apply.


At times, we may take reservations or pre-orders for products which are coming available.  Except for special orders and products ordered to your specification, a Pre-Order may be cancelled at anytime in advance of the product being shown as available without penalty.

Special Orders

A special order is one where you have ordered an item custom made for you, and configured to your specification, or you have ordered a product that is not generally carried by us.  In the event that you cancel a special order, and we are able to cancel the order, you will owe a cancellation fee of 25% of the cost of the merchandise, not including shipping, insurance or other fees that are part of the order. 

Just so you know, special orders represent a very small percentage of all orders.

Cancellation Fee

For any cancellation where the fee is not expressly waived, and where the order is not a special order, you will owe us a cancellation fee of 10% of the cost of the merchandise, not including shipping, insurance or other fees that are part of the order.

For standard cancellations, the 10% will be waived, if you accept a store credit in lieu of a cash refund.  Note that this applies only the the standard cancellation fee, and not to special orders and not for the additional firearms cancellation charges detailed below.

Special Circumstances for Firearms

Cancelling an order for firearms presents some specific circumstances which could cause us wasted effort, and additional hardship, and we have an additional fee to help offset our added costs or added burden.

If you cancel your order before your local dealer sends us their FFL license, then a normal cancellation will occur, with either a standard cancellation fee, or no fee, depending upon the timing of the cancellation request.

For Title 1 firearms (normal firearms), if you cancel after your local dealer's license has been matched to your order and our compliance team approves the transfer, you will owe an additional fee of $50.00, to help offset our additional handling of the firearm transaction and ATF compliance, which is additional effort, which did not result in us transferring the firearm to your dealer.

For Title 2 firearms (NFA items), if you cancel after we have filed for a Form 3 with the ATF, which is done very soon after matching your local dealers FFL and SOT license, then we will be forced to wait until the ATF issues the Form 3, and then request a manual voiding of the Form 3, which takes a number of weeks, during which we cannot sell the NFA item, and we must maintain it in our possession, and handle additional documentation and record keeping, all of which presents a very large burden on us.  For this added cost, lost revenue and added burden, you will owe us $150, which is the sum of $100 for the voided Form 3 and the same $50 which is the effort that the Title 1 cancellation has.

These fees are in addition to any cancellation fee which is owed.

Refunds regarding Cancellations

Please refer to the refund section here

Credit Card Disputes regarding Cancellations

Please refer to the credit card dispute section here