At Charlie's, we don't sell a large variety of ammo. We carry mostly Black Hills ammo because we highly recommend using it, no matter what weapon system you are using.
Black Hills makes a lot of the ammo that our military uses. It is quality ammo. It does not fail. These guys are meticulous at what they do.
Black Hills Ammunition and the .300 Win Mag Match is very similar to military grade M248 Mod0. Civilian shooters can buy that exact same round—it just comes in a much prettier box—for improved downrange performance, accuracy, and lethality, right here at Charlie's.
The 190gr Win Mag was used by US Military snipers, designated the Mk 248 Mod0 and produced by Federal at Lake City. Later, Black Hills made a larger round, the 220 gr Mk 248 Mod1. This is considered outside SAMMI limits, and while we get some in-house at Charlie's from time to time, it should only be used in the Mk13 sniper rifle. For other .300 Win Mag sniper and long-range rifles, the 190 grain is what you want.
Ammunition is restricted from sale to CT, IL, MA, NJ, NY, New Orleans, LA, and Washington DC. Ammo shipped to CA must be shipped to a local dealer. Your billing address and shipping address must match. Please make sure you can own this ammo in your locality. We do not agree with ammo restrictive laws, but we also follow the laws unless overturned by a Court of competent jurisdiction.