This is the hardware you need to assemble with a stripped AR15 or M4 upper receiver. Every little part included. This is military grade hardware that is meant to work and last. If you want something with pretty colors and plastic parts and logos, this is not the kit for you. If you are assembling a forged upper receiver for an M16, M4 or AR15, this will be what you need. If you are assembling and an AR-15 A1 or M16A1, you will want a different parts kit. This parts kit covers all A2, A3, and M4 style carry handle and flat top receivers.
Note: Charlie's really does not set out to sell small parts like this, and we do not aspire to be the Ace Hardware store of small gun parts. But, we realize that some of our customers are buying stripped uppers, and then are wondering, "what parts do I need to assemble a complete AR-15 upper receiver?" So, we have added this as a convenience. If you are buying just one part from Charlie's, that is probably not the optimal situation, as our shipping costs are a little high for one part. We often have free shipping offers, which you should take advantage of.