Here is a fantastic deal on a demo scope, used a few times on range day with customers and handled a bit. Otherwise, the scope is spotless, glass is perfect, and the Leupold warranty is fully in place. Box and Bumper Sticker included
This is your chance to get a like-new Tremor 3 scope for under $2,000.
Many riflescopes in the world today do not live up to their hype. The Mark 6 does. Leupold's Mark 6 is levels above the competition. In the lightweight class, nothing compares to the Mark 6. Built to take hits, drop it from a helicopter and it will still have pinpoint accuracy. Lighter, tougher, and hard working, believe the hype of the Mark 6.
Leupold riflescopes won't be outlasted or outperformed. Each scope has been tested to ensure durability even in the harshest conditions.
The Leupold Mark 6® is extremely accurate, compact, lightweight, and easy to use; that’s what makes it a game-changer for military forces around the globe and elite law enforcement units here at home. It’s not just easy to manipulate, it’s tough, too. Drop it or run it over and a Mark 6 is still drop-dead accurate.
This is the latest model Mark 6, with the lower profile (and highly desired) M5C2 turrets and the Tremor 3 Hourus reticle