At Charlie's, we don't sell a large variety of ammo. We carry mostly Black Hills ammo because we highly recommend using it, no matter what weapon system you are using. For 6.5 CM, Charlie's likes the 147 grain for long-distance precision shooting. Let's face it, the reason you are shooting 6.5 CM is for long-distance accuracy. Black Hills ammunition and Hornady ELD-M is exactly what the doctor ordered. With a muzzle velocity of 2,700 fps, you are pushing this pill fast and far for repeatable accuracy.
Black Hills makes a lot of the ammo that our military uses. It is quality ammo. It does not fail. These guys are meticulous at what they do.
The ELD, or extremely low drag match ammo take shooting to a whole new experience in the 500 to 1,200 yard range.
Black Hills Ammunition factory loaded ammo is as good as hand loads, or at least as good as our hand loads. If you disagree, you will not disagree by much. The 6.5 Creedmoor are amongst the best in short action bullets for long-range shooting. The high ballistic coefficient helps the 6.5 CM slip through air resistance, while the speed helps minimize wind drift. The 6.5 CM packs a punch with terminal energy in reserve due to its exceptional density.
The 6.5 Creedmoor has been on the scene for quite some time now. Albeit, not to the extent of some of the more popular hunting and range rounds, some of which have decades worth of use in the field. Still, it has been around long enough for us to begin to fully understand its capabilities and its limitations.
The 6.5 CM was introduced to the shooting world in 2008 and filled the void of other 6mm rounds that were needing extremely high pressures to get the long range performance wanted. The design of the 6.5 Creedmoor allowed for a long and slender bullet to be used in the casing without taking up room in the casing that could be reserved for more powder. More importantly, the streamlined bullet would not need as much force behind it to get it to behave accurately at long ranges. The precision shooter’s dream.
The 6.5 CM is rapidly becoming one of the favorite cartridges for long range competition shooting. Its popularity has not nearly taken off in the hunting world to the same extent as it has in the competitive shooting market, but we have seen a lot better hunting rounds come onto the market in the last few years, and hunters, who by trade defend their familial hunting round to the grave, are beginning to see the advantages the cartridge.
The ELD Match bullet features Hornady's Heat Shield tip and some of the most consistent bullets on the market. ELD is "extremely low drag," and with a BC close to .70, it will provide sub-MOA shooting to 500 yards and beyond.
The 147 grain ELD Match bullet maintains its trajectory better than most 6.5 CM rounds, losing around 500 fps by 500 yards, it is still traveling at roughly 2,200 fps, and maintains supersonic speeds well past 1,000 years, generally passing transonic speeds between 1,200 and 1,400 yards.
Black Hills produces factory new ammunition equal to some of the best hand loads and is quickly becoming one of most popular manufacturers of ammunition. All of this ammunition is newly manufactured ammo and subject to the same testing and inspection procedures insuring the highest quality and safety for any ammunition company. This cartridge features the Hornady ELD-M bullet. The Heat Shield tip defies the effects of aerodynamic heating and retains its shape to provide a perfect meplat (tip) that is always the same shape. A streamlined secant ogive with optimum boat tail design, plus the highly concentric AMP bullet jackets, combined with the patent pending Heat Shield tip creates a supremely accurate, high BC match bullet. ELD-M bullet BCs are measured with Doppler radar and corrected to standard atmospheric conditions. Quickly becoming major competition for some of the biggest names out in the market right now, Black Hills ammo produces factory new, non-corrosive, re-loadable rounds with boxer primers and brass casing while still keeping their prices low.
Market forces may cause both the availability and the price of ammo to change with more regularity, up and down, than other catagories of products that we carry and sell.
Note: Minimum order of 5 boxes (one case) and maximum order of 20 boxes
Ammunition is restricted from sale to CT, IL, MA, NJ, NY, New Orleans, LA, and Washington DC. Ammo shipped to CA must be shipped to a local dealer. Your billing address and shipping address must match. Please make sure you can own this ammo in your locality. We do not agree with ammo restrictive laws, but we also follow the laws unless overturned by a Court of competent jurisdiction.